All articles were originally published in various Lochac Garden and Herbal newsletters and are copyrighted their respective authors and are reproduced here with their permission.
Quince Marmalade – Caristiona nic Beathain
To make Marmalade of Quinces
After that your Quinces are sodden, ready to be kept condict as before in the chapter is written, then with some of the liquor wheri thei were sodden (but without anispice) beate them and draw them as ye wolde do a Tarte, then put some over the fyre to seethe softlye, and in the seething strew by little & little of pouder of suger, ye waight of the Quinces or more, as your cast shall tel you, stir it continually,put thereto some pure rosewater, or damask water, let it seeth on height til it be wal standing, which thing ye may know, by taking some of it upon a colde knife and let if keele, if it bee stiffn, then take if off & boxe it while it is warme, and set it in a warme and drye ayre, yf you wyl gyled your Marmalade, do as afore is spoken of a Marchpane.
The Treasureie of Commodiuos Conceits
To make Quince Marmalade.
4 Quinces
Take the Quinces and peel and core them. Boil them inn water with some rosewater mixed in to taste. When the Quinces are tender put them in a food processor or mash them. Weigh them and add sugar equal to the weight of the quinces. Boil the quinces and water over the stove for about half an hour or until the paste is stiff. (The paste spits A LOT) make sure that the floor and the rest of the stove is covered with newspaper and use gloves when you are stirring to prevent burns.
When the paste is boiled put it into oven trays lined with wax proof paper and let it set. This can be done in the oven if it is cool. (Put the oven on the lowest temperature). When the mixture has set cut it into squares and keep it in an airtight container in the fridge.
Quince marmalade tastes great with cheese, on bread or just by itself.
The Treasurie of commodius Conceits, & hidden Secrets. The Huswives Closet, of Healthfull provision. Mete and necessarie for the profitable use of all estetes both men and women: and also pleasant for recreation, With a necessary Table of all things herin conteyned. Gathered out of sundrye Experiments lately practised by men of great knowledge. By L Par. Imprinted at London by Richard Jones. 1573.
Peppermint Troches – Caristiona nic Beathain
“Being beaten and made up into trochisches, or little flat cakes, it is reported to be a good amorous medicine…”
Gerard: 195-196
Also, take the same meal and the juice of arsesmart and make thereof a paste and lay it to thy ears, and it shall kill the worms within them, or if thou make a cake and eat.”
An Herbal 1525: 40
“…And some beating it make it into Trchiscks for ye laying up, & so they use it.”
Dioscoridies: 440
“They are made thus: At night when you go to bed, take two drams of fine gum tragacanth; put it in a gallipot, and put half a quarter of a pint of distilled water…the next morning you shall find it in such a jelly as the physicians call mucilage. With this you may make a powder into a paste, and that paste into cakes called troches.”
Culpeper: 296
Modern Troches:
Soak 1 tsp of Gum Tragacanth in water (enough to cover it) over night. Stir frequently. In the Morning add 300ml of boiled water plus as much herb as you can mix into the mixture. Add sugar until the mixture is thick and not too runny. Put this in trays and let dry. It may take several days. Cut it up into squares and use as cough lozenges. Peppermint is a good herb to use because of the pleasant taste.
In damp or humid weather you may need to place your troches in an oven on its lowest heat or on top of the oven when you are cooking. This will give the troches a much more crunchy texture but it will help dry them out so that they can be cut up and stored.
Troches have a large amount of herb in them giving them a very leafy texture and flavour. If the herb does not taste pleasant then the Troche will not taste pleasant. For those who like the flavour of Liquorice this would also be a good herb to use. However Liquorice is fifty times sweeter than sugar this will come through in the Troches especially when combined with sugar as well so you may want to check that you like the flavour of the herb first. I would suggest you do this by making a cup of Liquorice tea.
“All the sortes of Myntes in the Garden doe bothe comforte the stomache, and helpe digestion.”
Thomas Hyll 1568
Peppermint is used for calming digestive upsets, for vomiting during pregnancy and managing fevers.
“Mint is marvelous wholesome for the stomach.”
- Culpeper’s Complete Herbal 1653 Wordsworth reference UK. 1995
- Gunther, RT. Ed The Greek Herbal of Dioscorides 512AD, Englished by John Goodyer 1655. Hafner Publishing Co. USA .1959
- Healy,JF. Ed Pliny the Elder: Natural History, a Selection. 77AD. Penguin Books. UK. 1991
- Hoffman, D. The New Holistic Healer. Elemnet Inc. USA. 1991
- Healing and Society in Medieval England: A Middle English Translation of the Pharmaceutical Writings of Gilbertus Anglicus. Ed. Getz, F.M. Univrsity of Wisonsin Press. USA Askham, A. A Litle Herball.(1561?) Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, Ltd. Amsterdam. 1977
- A Newe Herball of Macer, Translated out of Laten in to Englysshe, . imprynted by Robert Wyer at the sign of Syant John Evangelyst, beside Charynge Crosse Mills,S. The A-Z of Modern Herbal . Thorsons Publishers Ltd. UK. 1989
- Throop, P. Hildegard von Bingen’s Physica Healing Arts Press, Vermon USA. 1998